Ross Alexander (Ross Alexander)

Ross Alexander

Actor. Born Alexander Ross Smith, he appeared in the theater and in motion pictures in the 1920s and 1930s. Married for a time to actress Anne Nagel. He committed suicide, shooting himself with a .22 caliber pistol.  Family links:  Parents:  Alexander Ross Smith (1879 – 1966)  Maud Adelle Cohen Smith (1877 – 1954)  Spouses:  Aleta Freel (1907 – 1935)  Anne Nagel (1915 – 1966)Cause of death: Suicide


  • July, 27, 1907
  • USA


  • January, 01, 1937
  • USA

Cause of Death

  • Suicide


  • Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Glendale)
  • California
  • USA

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