McClelland Barclay (McClelland Barclay)

McClelland Barclay

American Artist and Naval Officer. He was already a very successful artist and illustrator prior to becoming a Lieutenent Commander in the United States Naval Reserve. He studied under such prominent artists as Halsey Cooley Ives, George B. Bridgman and Thomas Fogarty and his illustrations were regularly seen on the covers of magazines such as Ladies Home Journal, Saturday Evening Post, and Cosmopolitan. In the 1920’s and 1930’s he was also a successful sculptor and designer of art deco costume jewelry but his most famous works were Hollywood movie posters of the 1930’s, commercial advertisement posters and United States Navy recruitment posters. His illustrations of beautiful women created for the General Motors advertising campaign called “Body by Fisher” appeared in virtually every magazine in the United States. He was also well known for his portraits of United States military officers such as Admiral Husband E. Kimmel (see photo), Fleet Admiral Ernest J. King, Admiral Royal Ingersoll and General Dwight D. Eisenhower.  During World War II, he served tours of duty as Lieutenent Commander onboard the U.S.S. Arkansas, the U.S.S. Pennsylvania, the U.S.S. Honolulu, and U.S.S. Maryland and he was onboard the Naval ship LST-342 when it was struck by a torpedo from a Japanese submarine on July 18, 1943.  The stern sank immediately, and Barclay, along with most of the crew, perished. He was awarded the Art Directors Club Medal posthumously in 1944, “in recognition of his long and distinguished record in editorial illustration and advertising art and in honor of his devotion and meritorious service to his country as a commissioned officer of the United States Navy”.   (bio by: Decal)  Family links:  Spouse:  Helene Marie Haskin Krause (1911 – 1980)* *Calculated relationship


  • May, 09, 1891
  • USA


  • July, 07, 1943


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