Jack Wrather (Jack Wrather)

Jack Wrather

Oil millionaire. Producer. Built the Disneyland Hotel. Turned the RMS Queen Mary and Howard Hughes’ “Spruce Goose” into tourist attractions.  Family links:  Parents:  John Deveraux Wrather (1871 – 1945)  Ada Mazie Cogdell Wrather (1890 – 1965)  Spouses:  Molly O’ Daniel Danielson (1922 – 1996)  Bonita Granville (1923 – 1988)*  Children:  John Deveraux Wrather (1944 – 1973)* *Calculated relationship


  • May, 24, 1918
  • USA


  • November, 11, 1984
  • USA


  • Holy Cross Cemetery
  • California
  • USA

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