Derek Aylward (Derek Aylward)

Derek Aylward

Actor. A native of Maidenhead, England, he is best rememberd for his role as ‘Gerald Brockman’ on the television series, “Compact” from 1962 to 1965. He also appeared in films including, “The Strange Case Of Blondie” (1954), “The Devil’s Jest” (1954) “Handcuffs, London” (1955), “The House In Marsh Road” (1960), “The Trials Of Oscar Wilde” (1960), “The Big Switch” (1969), “and “Come Play With Me” (1977). His other television roles include, “The Prisoner,” “The Adventures Of Sir Lancelot,” “Dixon of Dock Green,” “The Moonstone,” and “Quartermass II.” He died at the age of 82, in Sussex, England. (bio by: K)


  • October, 29, 1922


  • June, 06, 2005


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