Constance Talmadge (Constance Talmadge)

Constance  Talmadge

Actress. Born Constance Alice Talmadge in Brooklyn, New York. The younger sister of norma Talmadge, and older sister of Natalie Talmadge. The sisters were abandoned by their alcoholic father when they were young children. Their mother, Peg, scraped by doing laundry, giving art classes, and selling cosmetics. Peg saw her opportunity one day when norma began modelling. She used this as a stepping stone for norma to get into pictures. Constance was starting to get noticed as well. Her first screen appearance was in a Vitagraph short “In Bridal Attire” (1914). From her earliest film roles, it was obvious that Constance’s forte was to be comedy. Her eyes sparkled, she laughed constantly and was always coming out with witty one liners. Her first major role was in DW Griffith’s groundbreaking film Intolerance(1916). She followed that feature with a series of light comedy films. She also had an uncredited part in her brother in law Buster Keaton’s film Seven Chances as the girl who drives the car that distracts Buster into driving into a tree. When talking films began, she prepared herself for the transition. but mother Peg’s philosophy of getting the money first and then being comfortable later convinced both Constance and norma to leave the film world while still being 2 of the top stars. They both retired from show business and public life, and invested their earnings in real estate and other business ventures. Connie married four times and was prone to alcohol and substance abuse problems. When a producer asked Connie to appear in Broadway in the 1960’s she jokingly replied “Are you kidding? I couldn’t even act when i was a movie star!” 

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  • April, 19, 1899


  • November, 23, 1973
  • USA
  • California


  • Hollywood Forever Cemetery
  • California
  • USA

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