Antonio Iranzo Escorihuela (Antonio Iranzo Escorihuela)

Antonio Iranzo Escorihuela

Screen, Stage and Television Actor. He was born in Valencia (Spain) and began his career in Radio shows and on stage with classic works in plays of Berltolt Brecht or Valle-Inclán. He appeared in film such as “La Piel Quemada” (1966), “Flor de Santidad” (1972), “La Regenta” (1974), “¿Quién Puede Matar a un Niño?” (1975), “Los Pájaros de Baden-Baden” (1975), “Réquiem por un Campesino Español” (1985) and “La Estanquera de Vallecas” (1986). In televison, he appeared in “La Forja de un Rebelde” and “A Flor de Pell”. Also, he was famous as dubbing actor, with his powerful voice, he was the Spanish dubbing voice of Mr T. in TV series “A Team”. The new of his death was not published in the newspapers and was known in the Ceremony Goya Awards in January 2004, six months after his death in Valencia.


  • May, 04, 1933
  • Spain


  • July, 07, 2003
  • Spain


  • Cremated

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